Welcome to the Limetree Water Distribution Program informational website.
Reminder: Six months after your claim's eligibility determination and every six months thereafter, you must certify that the circumstances which made your claim eligible have not changed. Please visit the Certification page of this website to complete the certification process.
If you rely or relied on cistern water and meet additional criteria, you may be eligible to participate in a court-ordered water distribution program to obtain free water.
Please read this website carefully.
The Water Distribution Program is a court-ordered program that requires Limetree Bay Terminals to provide free water for residents of St. Croix who believe that their current residence was impacted by a release from the Limetree Bay Facility on February 4, 2021 or May 12, 2021 (“Release Event”) and who satisfy the following requirements:
- You currently reside in one of the following estates (the “Covered Area”): Adventure, Betty’s Hope, Cane, Cain Carlton, Campo Rico, Carlton 1 North, Carlton 1 South, Carlton 2, Clifton Hill, Concordia, Diamond, Enfield Green, Envy, Frederiksted, Golden Grove, Good Hope, Hannah’s Rest, Hesselberg, Hogensborg, La Grange, Mannings Bay, Mount Pleasant, Negro Bay, Paradise, Ruans Bay, Sandy Point, Smithfield, Stony Ground, Two Brothers, Upper Bethlehem, Wheel of Fortune/Mars Hill, Whim, Whites Bay, Whites Bay 2, and Williams Delight; AND
- Your current residence actively uses or used cistern water; AND
- You have a belief that your current residence was impacted by a Release Event; AND
- You meet certain criteria showing you cannot afford to purchase water without trading off other basic necessities (“Financial Hardship”).
Each Eligible Resident is entitled to up to twelve (12) gallons of water per day per household, with a maximum amount per household of eighty-four (84) gallons of water per week. To participate in the Water Distribution Program, you must complete and submit a Claim Form along with supporting documentation. Additional information about the Water Distribution Program is available under Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
To see a map of the Covered Area, please click here.